• Definition - Any distinctive identifying uniform worn by a group, such as the uniform worn by chauffeurs and male servants.
  • Definition - The whole body of liverymen, members of livery companies.
  • Definition - The paint scheme of a vehicle or fleet of vehicles.
  • Example - The airline's new livery received a mixed reaction from the press.
  • Definition - A taxicab or limousine.
  • Example - The airline's new livery received a mixed reaction from the press.
  • Definition - The delivery of property from one owner to the next.
  • Example - The airline's new livery received a mixed reaction from the press.
  • Definition - The writ by which property is obtained.
  • Example - The airline's new livery received a mixed reaction from the press.
  • Definition - The rental of horses or carriages; the rental of canoes; the care and/or boarding of horses for money.
  • Example - The airline's new livery received a mixed reaction from the press.
  • Definition - A stable that keeps horses or carriages for rental.
  • Example - The airline's new livery received a mixed reaction from the press.
  • Definition - An allowance of food; a ration, as given out to a family, to servants, to horses, etc.
  • Example - The airline's new livery received a mixed reaction from the press.
  • Definition - Release from wardship; deliverance.
  • Example - The airline's new livery received a mixed reaction from the press.
  • Definition - A low grade of wool.
  • Example - The airline's new livery received a mixed reaction from the press.
  • Definition - Outward markings, fittings or appearance
  • Example - The airline's new livery received a mixed reaction from the press.
  • Definition - To clothe.
  • Example - He liveried his servants in the most modest of clothing.
Words in your word
8 Letter Words
liveries 11
7 Letter Words
leviers 10 liviers 10 relives 10 reviles 10 servile 10 veilers 10
5 Letter Words
elver 8 elves 8 ervil 8 evils 8 ivies 8 lever 8 levis 8 lieve 8 liver 8 lives 8 livre 8 reive 8 revel 8 rives 8 serve 8 sever 8 sieve 8 siver 8 veers 8 veils 8 verse 8 viers 8 viler 8 vires 8 virls 8 vleis 8 leers 5 liers 5 reels 5 riels 5 riles 5 siree 5 slier 5
4 Letter Words
ever 7 eves 7 evil 7 levs 7 live 7 revs 7 rive 7 veer 7 vees 7 veil 7 vier 7 vies 7 vile 7 virl 7 vise 7 vlei 7 eels 4 else 4 ires 4 iris 4 isle 4 leer 4 lees 4 leis 4 lier 4 lies 4 lire 4 liri 4 reel 4 rees 4 reis 4 riel 4 rile 4 rise 4 seel 4 seer 4 sere 4 sire 4
3 Letter Words
eve 6 lev 6 rev 6 sev 6 vee 6 vie 6 vis 6 eel 3 els 3 ere 3 ers 3 ire 3 lee 3 lei 3 les 3 lie 3 lis 3 ree 3 rei 3 res 3 see 3 sei 3 sel 3 ser 3 sir 3 sri 3
2 Letter Words
el 2 er 2 es 2 is 2 li 2 re 2 si 2