• Definition - The core, center, or essence of an object or system.
  • Example - the kernel of an argument
  • Synonyms - crux gist
  • Definition - The central (usually edible) part of a nut, especially once the hard shell has been removed.
  • Example - the kernel of an argument
  • Definition - A single seed or grain, especially of corn or wheat.
  • Example - the kernel of an argument
  • Definition - The stone of certain fruits, such as peaches or plums.
  • Example - the kernel of an argument
  • Definition - A small mass around which other matter is concreted; a nucleus; a concretion or hard lump in the flesh.
  • Example - the kernel of an argument
  • Definition - The central part of many computer operating systems which manages the system's resources and the communication between hardware and software components.
  • Example - The Linux kernel is open-source.
  • Definition - The core engine of any complex software system.
  • Example - The Linux kernel is open-source.
  • Definition - A function used to define an integral transform.
  • Example - The Dirichlet kernel convolved with a function yields its Fourier series approximation.
  • Definition - A set of pairs of a mapping's domain which are mapped to the same value.
  • Example - The Dirichlet kernel convolved with a function yields its Fourier series approximation.
  • Definition - For a given function (especially a linear map between vector spaces), the set of elements in the domain which are mapped to zero; (formally) given f : X → Y, the set {x ∈ X : f(x) = 0}.
  • Example - If a function is continuous then its kernel is a closed set.
  • Definition - For a category with zero morphisms: the equalizer of a given morphism and the zero morphism which is parallel to that given morphism.
  • Example - If a function is continuous then its kernel is a closed set.
  • Definition - (fuzzy set theory) The set of members of a fuzzy set that are fully included (i.e., whose grade of membership is 1).
  • Example - If a function is continuous then its kernel is a closed set.
  • Definition - The human clitoris.
  • Example - If a function is continuous then its kernel is a closed set.
  • Definition - The nucleus and electrons of an atom excluding its valence electrons.
  • Example - If a function is continuous then its kernel is a closed set.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
kernel 10
5 Letter Words
kerne 9 kneel 9
4 Letter Words
keel 8 keen 8 kern 8 knee 8 leek 8 leke 8 reek 8 erne 4 leer 4 reel 4
3 Letter Words
eek 7 eke 7 elk 7 ken 7 lek 7 eel 3 ere 3 ern 3 lee 3 nee 3 ree 3
2 Letter Words
el 2 en 2 er 2 ne 2 re 2