• Definition - In humans, the joint or the region of the joint in the middle part of the leg between the thigh and the shank.
  • Example - Penny was wearing a miniskirt, so she skinned her exposed knees when she fell.
  • Definition - In the horse and allied animals, the carpal joint, corresponding to the wrist in humans.
  • Example - Penny was wearing a miniskirt, so she skinned her exposed knees when she fell.
  • Definition - The part of a garment that covers the knee.
  • Example - Penny was wearing a miniskirt, so she skinned her exposed knees when she fell.
  • Definition - A piece of timber or metal formed with an angle somewhat in the shape of the human knee when bent.
  • Example - Penny was wearing a miniskirt, so she skinned her exposed knees when she fell.
  • Definition - An act of kneeling, especially to show respect or courtesy.
  • Example - To make a knee.
  • Definition - Any knee-shaped item or sharp angle in a line; an inflection point.
  • Example - the knee of a graph
  • Definition - A blow made with the knee; a kneeing.
  • Example - the knee of a graph
  • Definition - To kneel to.
  • Example - 1605: I could as well be brought / To knee his throne and, squire-like, pension beg / To keep base life afoot. — William Shakespeare, King Lear II.ii
  • Definition - To poke or strike with the knee.
  • Example - 1605: I could as well be brought / To knee his throne and, squire-like, pension beg / To keep base life afoot. — William Shakespeare, King Lear II.ii
  • Definition - To move on the knees; to use the knees to move.
  • Example - 1605: I could as well be brought / To knee his throne and, squire-like, pension beg / To keep base life afoot. — William Shakespeare, King Lear II.ii
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
keen 8 knee 8
3 Letter Words
eek 7 eke 7 ken 7 nee 3
2 Letter Words
en 2 ne 2