• Definition - To cause someone to become accustomed to something (usually) unpleasant.
  • Definition - To take effect, to be operative.
  • Example - Jim buys a beach house that includes the right to travel across the neighbor's property to get to the water. That right of way is said, cryptically, "to inure to the benefit of Jim".
  • Definition - To commit.
  • Example - Jim buys a beach house that includes the right to travel across the neighbor's property to get to the water. That right of way is said, cryptically, "to inure to the benefit of Jim".
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
insure 6 inures 6 rusine 6 urines 6 ursine 6
5 Letter Words
inure 5 nurse 5 reins 5 resin 5 rinse 5 risen 5 ruins 5 runes 5 serin 5 sieur 5 siren 5 urine 5
4 Letter Words
erns 4 ires 4 rein 4 reis 4 rins 4 rise 4 rues 4 ruin 4 rune 4 runs 4 ruse 4 sine 4 sire 4 suer 4 sure 4 unis 4 urns 4 user 4
3 Letter Words
ens 3 ern 3 ers 3 ins 3 ire 3 nus 3 rei 3 res 3 rin 3 rue 3 run 3 sei 3 sen 3 ser 3 sin 3 sir 3 sri 3 sue 3 sun 3 uni 3 uns 3 urn 3 use 3
2 Letter Words
en 2 er 2 es 2 in 2 is 2 ne 2 nu 2 re 2 si 2 un 2 us 2