• Definition - A rectangular array of squares or rectangles of equal size, such as in a crossword puzzle.
  • Definition - A system for delivery of electricity, consisting of various substations, transformers and generators, connected by wire.
  • Definition - A system or structure of distributed computers working mostly on a peer-to-peer basis, used mainly to solve single and complex scientific or technical problems or to process data at high speeds (as in clusters).
  • Definition - A method of marking off maps into areas.
  • Definition - The pattern of starting positions of the drivers for a race.
  • Definition - The third (or higher) electrode of a vacuum tube (triode or higher).
  • Definition - A battery-plate somewhat like a grating, especially a zinc plate in a primary battery, or a lead plate in a secondary or storage battery.
  • Definition - A grating of parallel bars; a gridiron.
  • Definition - To mark with a grid.
  • Definition - To assign a reference grid to.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
girds 7 grids 7
4 Letter Words
digs 6 gids 6 gird 6 grid 6 rids 5 rigs 5
3 Letter Words
dig 5 gid 5 dis 4 gis 4 ids 4 rid 4 rig 4 sig 4 sir 3 sri 3
2 Letter Words
gi 3 id 3 is 2 si 2