• Definition - To bind with a flexible rope or cord.
  • Example - The fasces were girt about with twine in bundles large.
  • Definition - To encircle with, or as if with a belt.
  • Example - The lady girt herself with silver chain, from which she hung a golden shear.
  • Definition - To prepare oneself for an action.
  • Example - The lady girt herself with silver chain, from which she hung a golden shear.
  • Definition - A sarcastic remark.
  • Example - The lady girt herself with silver chain, from which she hung a golden shear.
  • Definition - A stroke with a rod or switch.
  • Example - The lady girt herself with silver chain, from which she hung a golden shear.
  • Definition - A severe spasm; a twinge; a pang.
  • Example - The lady girt herself with silver chain, from which she hung a golden shear.
  • Definition - To jeer at.
  • Example - The lady girt herself with silver chain, from which she hung a golden shear.
  • Definition - To jeer.
  • Example - The lady girt herself with silver chain, from which she hung a golden shear.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
girds 7 grids 7
4 Letter Words
digs 6 gids 6 gird 6 grid 6 rids 5 rigs 5
3 Letter Words
dig 5 gid 5 dis 4 gis 4 ids 4 rid 4 rig 4 sig 4 sir 3 sri 3
2 Letter Words
gi 3 id 3 is 2 si 2