• Definition - A colorful, conspicuous structure associated with angiosperms, frequently scented and attracting various insects, and which may or may not be used for sexual reproduction.
  • Definition - A reproductive structure in angiosperms (flowering plants), often conspicuously colourful and typically including sepals, petals, and either or both stamens and/or a pistil.
  • Definition - A plant that bears flowers, especially a plant that is small and lacks wood.
  • Example - We transplanted the flowers to a larger pot.
  • Definition - (usually with in) Of plants, a state of bearing blooms.
  • Example - The dogwoods are in flower this week.
  • Definition - (hypocoristic) The vulva, especially the labia majora.
  • Example - The dogwoods are in flower this week.
  • Definition - The best examples or representatives of a group.
  • Example - We selected the flower of the applicants.
  • Definition - The best state of things; the prime.
  • Example - She was in the flower of her life.
  • Definition - Flour.
  • Example - She was in the flower of her life.
  • Definition - (in the plural) A substance in the form of a powder, especially when condensed from sublimation.
  • Example - the flowers of sulphur
  • Definition - A figure of speech; an ornament of style.
  • Example - the flowers of sulphur
  • Definition - Ornamental type used chiefly for borders around pages, cards, etc.
  • Example - the flowers of sulphur
  • Definition - (in the plural) Menstrual discharges.
  • Example - the flowers of sulphur
  • Definition - To put forth blooms.
  • Example - This plant flowers in June.
  • Definition - To decorate with pictures of flowers.
  • Example - This plant flowers in June.
  • Definition - To reach a state of full development or achievement.
  • Example - This plant flowers in June.
  • Definition - To froth; to ferment gently, as new beer.
  • Example - This plant flowers in June.
  • Definition - To come off as flowers by sublimation.
  • Example - This plant flowers in June.
  • Definition - Something that flows, such as a river.
  • Example - This plant flowers in June.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
flowers 13 fowlers 13 reflows 13 wolfers 13
6 Letter Words
flower 12 fowler 12 reflow 12 wolfer 12 lowers 9 rowels 9 slower 9
5 Letter Words
flews 11 flows 11 fowls 11 frows 11 wolfs 11 floes 8 fores 8 froes 8 lower 8 lowes 8 lowse 8 resow 8 rolfs 8 rowel 8 serow 8 sower 8 swore 8 worse 8 lores 5 loser 5 orles 5 roles 5 sorel 5
4 Letter Words
flew 10 flow 10 fowl 10 frow 10 wolf 10 floe 7 foes 7 fore 7 froe 7 lowe 7 lows 7 owes 7 owls 7 owse 7 refs 7 rolf 7 rows 7 self 7 serf 7 slew 7 slow 7 woes 7 wore 7 eros 4 lore 4 lose 4 oles 4 ores 4 orle 4 roes 4 role 4 rose 4 sloe 4 sole 4 sore 4
3 Letter Words
few 9 efs 6 elf 6 fer 6 fes 6 foe 6 for 6 fro 6 low 6 owe 6 owl 6 ref 6 row 6 sew 6 sow 6 woe 6 wos 6 els 3 ers 3 les 3 lor 3 oes 3 ole 3 ore 3 ors 3 ose 3 res 3 roe 3 sel 3 ser 3 sol 3
2 Letter Words
ef 5 ew 5 fe 5 of 5 ow 5 we 5 wo 5 el 2 er 2 es 2 lo 2 oe 2 or 2 os 2 re 2 so 2