• Definition - The process of applying heat or fire, especially to clay etc to produce pottery.
  • Example - After the pots have been glazed, they go back into the kiln for a second firing.
  • Definition - The fuel for a fire.
  • Example - After the pots have been glazed, they go back into the kiln for a second firing.
  • Definition - The act of adding fuel to a fire.
  • Example - After the pots have been glazed, they go back into the kiln for a second firing.
  • Definition - The discharge of a gun or other weapon.
  • Example - After the pots have been glazed, they go back into the kiln for a second firing.
  • Definition - The dismissal of someone from a job.
  • Example - After the pots have been glazed, they go back into the kiln for a second firing.
  • Definition - Cauterization.
  • Example - After the pots have been glazed, they go back into the kiln for a second firing.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
firings 11
6 Letter Words
firing 10 rising 7 siring 7
5 Letter Words
frigs 9 finis 8 firns 8 girns 6 grins 6 iring 6 rings 6
4 Letter Words
figs 8 frig 8 gifs 8 fins 7 firn 7 firs 7 rifs 7 gins 5 girn 5 grin 5 rigs 5 ring 5 sign 5 sing 5 iris 4 nisi 4 rins 4
3 Letter Words
fig 7 gif 7 fin 6 fir 6 ifs 6 rif 6 gin 4 gis 4 rig 4 sig 4 ins 3 rin 3 sin 3 sir 3 sri 3
2 Letter Words
if 5 gi 3 in 2 is 2 si 2