• Definition - To move, or appear to move, physically upwards relative to the ground.
  • Definition - To increase in value or standing.
  • Definition - To begin; to develop.
  • Definition - To go up; to ascend; to climb.
  • Example - to rise a hill
  • Definition - To cause to go up or ascend.
  • Example - to rise a fish, or cause it to come to the surface of the water
  • Definition - To retire; to give up a siege.
  • Example - to rise a fish, or cause it to come to the surface of the water
  • Definition - To come; to offer itself.
  • Example - to rise a fish, or cause it to come to the surface of the water
  • Definition - To be lifted, or capable of being lifted, from the imposing stone without dropping any of the type; said of a form.
  • Example - to rise a fish, or cause it to come to the surface of the water
  • Definition - Rebellion.
  • Example - to rise a fish, or cause it to come to the surface of the water
  • Definition - The act of something that rises.
  • Example - the risings and fallings of a thermometer
  • Definition - A dough and yeast mixture which is allowed to ferment.
  • Example - salt rising; milk rising
  • Definition - Going up.
  • Example - salt rising; milk rising
  • Definition - Planned or destined to advance to an academic grade in the near future, after having completed the previous grade; soon-to-be.
  • Example - salt rising; milk rising
  • Definition - More than; exceeding; upwards of.
  • Example - a horse rising six years of age
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
rising 7 siring 7
5 Letter Words
girns 6 grins 6 iring 6 rings 6
4 Letter Words
gins 5 girn 5 grin 5 rigs 5 ring 5 sign 5 sing 5 iris 4 nisi 4 rins 4
3 Letter Words
gin 4 gis 4 rig 4 sig 4 ins 3 rin 3 sin 3 sir 3 sri 3
2 Letter Words
gi 3 in 2 is 2 si 2