• Definition - A drawing or diagram conveying information.
  • Definition - The representation of any form, as by drawing, painting, modelling, carving, embroidering, etc.; especially, a representation of the human body.
  • Example - a figure in bronze; a figure cut in marble
  • Definition - A person or thing representing a certain consciousness.
  • Example - a figure in bronze; a figure cut in marble
  • Definition - The appearance or impression made by the conduct or career of a person.
  • Example - He cut a sorry figure standing there in the rain.
  • Definition - Distinguished appearance; magnificence; conspicuous representation; splendour; show.
  • Example - He cut a sorry figure standing there in the rain.
  • Definition - A human figure, which dress or corset must fit to; the shape of a human body.
  • Example - He cut a sorry figure standing there in the rain.
  • Definition - A numeral.
  • Example - He cut a sorry figure standing there in the rain.
  • Definition - A number, an amount.
  • Example - He cut a sorry figure standing there in the rain.
  • Definition - A shape.
  • Example - He cut a sorry figure standing there in the rain.
  • Definition - A visible pattern as in wood or cloth.
  • Example - The muslin was of a pretty figure.
  • Definition - Any complex dance moveW.
  • Example - The muslin was of a pretty figure.
  • Definition - A figure of speech.
  • Example - The muslin was of a pretty figure.
  • Definition - The form of a syllogism with respect to the relative position of the middle term.
  • Example - The muslin was of a pretty figure.
  • Definition - A horoscope; the diagram of the aspects of the astrological houses.
  • Example - The muslin was of a pretty figure.
  • Definition - Any short succession of notes, either as melody or as a group of chords, which produce a single complete and distinct impression.
  • Example - The muslin was of a pretty figure.
  • Definition - A form of melody or accompaniment kept up through a strain or passage; a motif; a florid embellishment.
  • Example - The muslin was of a pretty figure.
  • Definition - To calculate, to solve a mathematical problem.
  • Example - The muslin was of a pretty figure.
  • Definition - To come to understand.
  • Example - I can’t figure if he’s telling the truth or lying.
  • Definition - To think, to assume, to suppose, to reckon.
  • Example - I can’t figure if he’s telling the truth or lying.
  • Definition - To be reasonable.
  • Example - It figures that somebody like him would be upset about the situation.
  • Definition - To enter into; to be a part of.
  • Example - It figures that somebody like him would be upset about the situation.
  • Definition - To represent by a figure, as to form or mould; to make an image of, either palpable or ideal; also, to fashion into a determinate form; to shape.
  • Example - It figures that somebody like him would be upset about the situation.
  • Definition - To embellish with design; to adorn with figures.
  • Example - It figures that somebody like him would be upset about the situation.
  • Definition - To indicate by numerals.
  • Example - It figures that somebody like him would be upset about the situation.
  • Definition - To represent by a metaphor; to signify or symbolize.
  • Example - It figures that somebody like him would be upset about the situation.
  • Definition - To prefigure; to foreshow.
  • Example - It figures that somebody like him would be upset about the situation.
  • Definition - To write over or under the bass, as figures or other characters, in order to indicate the accompanying chords.
  • Example - It figures that somebody like him would be upset about the situation.
  • Definition - To embellish.
  • Example - It figures that somebody like him would be upset about the situation.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
figure 10
5 Letter Words
grief 9
4 Letter Words
frig 8 frug 8 fire 7 reif 7 rife 7 grue 5 urge 5
3 Letter Words
fig 7 fug 7 gif 7 fer 6 feu 6 fie 6 fir 6 fur 6 ref 6 rif 6 erg 4 gie 4 reg 4 rig 4 rug 4 ire 3 rei 3 rue 3
2 Letter Words
ef 5 fe 5 if 5 gi 3 er 2 re 2