• Definition - To represent in a physical or concrete form; to incarnate or personify.
  • Example - As the car salesman approached, wearing a plaid suit and slicked-back hair, he seemed to embody sleaze.
  • Definition - To represent in some other form, such as a code of laws.
  • Example - The US Constitution aimed to embody the ideals of diverse groups of people, from Puritans to Deists.
  • Definition - To comprise or include as part of a cohesive whole; to be made up of.
  • Example - The US Constitution aimed to embody the ideals of diverse groups of people, from Puritans to Deists.
  • Definition - To unite in a body or mass.
  • Example - The US Constitution aimed to embody the ideals of diverse groups of people, from Puritans to Deists.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
embody 14
5 Letter Words
demob 10
4 Letter Words
body 10 demy 10 doby 10 emyd 10 obey 9 bode 7 demo 7 dobe 7 dome 7 mode 7
3 Letter Words
bey 8 boy 8 bye 8 yob 8 yom 8 dey 7 dye 7 mob 7 yod 7 bed 6 bod 6 deb 6 dom 6 med 6 mod 6 emo 5 obe 5 doe 4 ode 4
2 Letter Words
by 7 my 7 oy 5 ye 5 yo 5 be 4 bo 4 em 4 me 4 mo 4 om 4 de 3 do 3 ed 3 od 3 oe 2