• Definition - A structural element resembling the hollow upper half of a sphere; a cupola
  • Definition - Anything shaped like an upset bowl, often used as a cover
  • Example - a cake dome
  • Definition - Head (uppermost part of one's body)
  • Example - a cake dome
  • Definition - Head, oral sex
  • Example - a cake dome
  • Definition - A building; a house; an edifice
  • Example - a cake dome
  • Definition - Any erection resembling the dome or cupola of a building, such as the upper part of a furnace, the vertical steam chamber on the top of a boiler, etc.
  • Example - a cake dome
  • Definition - A prism formed by planes parallel to a lateral axis which meet above in a horizontal edge, like the roof of a house; also, one of the planes of such a form
  • Example - a cake dome
  • Definition - To give a domed shape to.
  • Example - a cake dome
  • Definition - To perform fellatio on.
  • Example - a cake dome
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
demo 7 dome 7 mode 7
3 Letter Words
dom 6 med 6 mod 6 emo 5 doe 4 ode 4
2 Letter Words
em 4 me 4 mo 4 om 4 de 3 do 3 ed 3 od 3 oe 2