• Definition - An embedded reporter or journalist, such as a war reporter assigned to and travelling with a military unit, or a political reporter assigned to follow and report on the campaign of a candidate.
  • Definition - An element of an advertisement, etc. serving as a subliminal message.
  • Definition - An item embedded in another document.
  • Definition - To lay as in a bed; to lay in surrounding matter; to bed.
  • Example - to embed something in clay, mortar, or sand
  • Definition - (by extension) To include in surrounding matter.
  • Example - We wanted to embed our reporter with the Fifth Infantry Division, but the Army would have none of it.
  • Definition - To encapsulate within another document or data file.
  • Example - The instructions showed how to embed a chart from the spreadsheet within the wordprocessor document.
  • Definition - To define a one-to-one function from (one set) to another so that certain properties of the domain are preserved when considering the image as a subset of the codomain.
  • Example - The instructions showed how to embed a chart from the spreadsheet within the wordprocessor document.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
embeds 11
5 Letter Words
embed 10 deems 8 demes 8 meeds 8
4 Letter Words
beds 7 debs 7 deem 7 deme 7 meds 7 meed 7 bees 6 emes 6 seem 6 seme 6 dees 5 seed 5
3 Letter Words
bed 6 deb 6 med 6 bee 5 bes 5 eme 5 ems 5 mes 5 dee 4 eds 4 see 3
2 Letter Words
be 4 em 4 me 4 de 3 ed 3 es 2