• Definition - The conveyance or transfer of an estate, either in fee for life or for years, most commonly the latter.
  • Definition - Transmission by formal act or conveyance to an heir or successor; transference; especially, the transfer or transmission of the crown or royal authority to a successor.
  • Definition - Death.
  • Definition - The end of something, in a negative sense; downfall.
  • Example - The lack of funding ultimately led to the project's demise.
  • Definition - To give.
  • Example - The lack of funding ultimately led to the project's demise.
  • Definition - To convey, as by will or lease.
  • Example - The lack of funding ultimately led to the project's demise.
  • Definition - To transmit by inheritance.
  • Example - The lack of funding ultimately led to the project's demise.
  • Definition - To pass by inheritance.
  • Example - The lack of funding ultimately led to the project's demise.
  • Definition - To die.
  • Example - The lack of funding ultimately led to the project's demise.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
demies 9 demise 9
5 Letter Words
deems 8 deism 8 demes 8 dimes 8 disme 8 meeds 8
4 Letter Words
deem 7 deme 7 dime 7 dims 7 idem 7 meds 7 meed 7 mids 7 emes 6 mise 6 seem 6 seme 6 semi 6 dees 5 desi 5 dies 5 eide 5 ides 5 seed 5 side 5
3 Letter Words
dim 6 med 6 mid 6 eme 5 ems 5 ism 5 mes 5 mis 5 sim 5 dee 4 die 4 dis 4 eds 4 ids 4 see 3 sei 3
2 Letter Words
em 4 me 4 mi 4 de 3 ed 3 id 3 es 2 is 2 si 2