• Definition - A bed or cot for a baby, oscillating on rockers or swinging on pivots.
  • Definition - The place of origin, or in which anything is nurtured or protected in the earlier period of existence.
  • Example - a cradle of crime
  • Definition - Infancy, or very early life.
  • Example - from the cradle to the grave
  • Definition - An implement consisting of a broad scythe for cutting grain, with a set of long fingers parallel to the scythe, designed to receive the grain, and to lay it evenly in a swath.
  • Example - from the cradle to the grave
  • Definition - A tool used in mezzotint engraving, which, by a rocking motion, raises burrs on the surface of the plate, so preparing the ground.
  • Example - from the cradle to the grave
  • Definition - A framework of timbers, or iron bars, moving upon ways or rollers, used to support, lift, or carry ships or other vessels, heavy guns, etc., as up an inclined plane, or across a strip of land, or in launching a ship.
  • Example - from the cradle to the grave
  • Definition - A case for a broken or dislocated limb.
  • Example - from the cradle to the grave
  • Definition - A frame to keep the bedclothes from contact with the sensitive parts of an injured person.
  • Example - from the cradle to the grave
  • Definition - A machine on rockers, used in washing out auriferous earth.
  • Example - from the cradle to the grave
  • Definition - A suspended scaffold used in shafts.
  • Example - from the cradle to the grave
  • Definition - A ribbing for vaulted ceilings and arches intended to be covered with plaster.
  • Example - from the cradle to the grave
  • Definition - A basket or apparatus in which, when a line has been made fast to a wrecked ship from the shore, the people are brought off from the wreck.
  • Example - The cradle was ill-made. One victim fell into the sea and was lost and the ensuing delay cost three more lives.
  • Definition - A rest for the receiver of a telephone, or for certain computer hardware.
  • Example - He slammed the handset into the cradle.
  • Definition - (contact juggling) A hand position allowing a contact ball to be held steadily on the back of the hand.
  • Example - He slammed the handset into the cradle.
  • Definition - A mechanical device for tilting and decanting a bottle of wine.
  • Example - He slammed the handset into the cradle.
  • Definition - To contain in or as if in a cradle.
  • Example - He slammed the handset into the cradle.
  • Definition - To rock (a baby to sleep).
  • Example - He slammed the handset into the cradle.
  • Definition - To wrap protectively, to hold gently and protectively.
  • Example - cradling the injured man’s head in her arms
  • Definition - To lull or quieten, as if by rocking.
  • Example - cradling the injured man’s head in her arms
  • Definition - To nurse or train in infancy.
  • Example - cradling the injured man’s head in her arms
  • Definition - To rock the lacrosse stick back and forth in order to keep the ball in the head by means of centrifugal force.
  • Example - cradling the injured man’s head in her arms
  • Definition - To cut and lay (grain) with a cradle.
  • Example - cradling the injured man’s head in her arms
  • Definition - To transport a vessel by means of a cradle.
  • Example - cradling the injured man’s head in her arms
  • Definition - To put ribs across the back of (a picture), to prevent the panels from warping.
  • Example - cradling the injured man’s head in her arms
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
cradle 9 credal 9 reclad 9
5 Letter Words
acred 8 arced 8 cadre 8 cared 8 cedar 8 clade 8 decal 8 laced 8 raced 8 carle 7 clear 7 lacer 7 alder 6 lader 6
4 Letter Words
aced 7 cade 7 card 7 clad 7 cred 7 dace 7 acre 6 alec 6 care 6 carl 6 lace 6 race 6 dale 5 dare 5 deal 5 dear 5 lade 5 lard 5 lead 5 read 5 earl 4 lear 4 rale 4 real 4
3 Letter Words
cad 6 ace 5 arc 5 cal 5 car 5 cel 5 lac 5 rec 5 dal 4 del 4 eld 4 lad 4 led 4 rad 4 red 4 ale 3 are 3 ear 3 era 3 lar 3 lea 3
2 Letter Words
ad 3 da 3 de 3 ed 3 ae 2 al 2 ar 2 el 2 er 2 la 2 re 2