• Definition - The act of counting or tallying a quantity.
  • Example - Give the chairs a quick count to check if we have enough.
  • Definition - The result of a tally that reveals the number of items in a set; a quantity counted.
  • Example - Give the chairs a quick count to check if we have enough.
  • Definition - A countdown.
  • Example - Give the chairs a quick count to check if we have enough.
  • Definition - A charge of misconduct brought in a legal proceeding.
  • Example - Give the chairs a quick count to check if we have enough.
  • Definition - The number of balls and strikes, respectively, on a batter's in-progress plate appearance.
  • Example - He has a 3–2 count with the bases loaded.
  • Definition - An object of interest or account; value; estimation.
  • Example - He has a 3–2 count with the bases loaded.
  • Definition - To recite numbers in sequence.
  • Example - Can you count to a hundred?
  • Definition - To determine the number (of objects in a group).
  • Example - There are three apples; count them.
  • Definition - To be of significance; to matter.
  • Example - Your views don’t count here.    It does count if you cheat with someone when you’re drunk.
  • Definition - To be an example of something: often followed by as and an indefinite noun.
  • Example - Apples count as a type of fruit.
  • Definition - To consider something an example of something.
  • Example - He counts himself a hero after saving the cat from the river.   I count you as more than a friend.
  • Definition - To take account or note (of).
  • Example - He counts himself a hero after saving the cat from the river.   I count you as more than a friend.
  • Definition - To plead orally; to argue a matter in court; to recite a count.
  • Example - He counts himself a hero after saving the cat from the river.   I count you as more than a friend.
  • Definition - (grammar) Countable.
  • Example - He counts himself a hero after saving the cat from the river.   I count you as more than a friend.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
count 7
4 Letter Words
cunt 6 unco 6 unto 4
3 Letter Words
con 5 cot 5 cut 5 not 3 nut 3 out 3 ton 3 tun 3
2 Letter Words
no 2 nu 2 on 2 to 2 un 2 ut 2