• Definition - A long outer garment worn over the shoulders covering the back; a cape, often with a hood.
  • Definition - A blanket-like covering, often metaphorical.
  • Example - Night hid her movements with its cloak of darkness.
  • Definition - That which conceals; a disguise or pretext.
  • Example - Night hid her movements with its cloak of darkness.
  • Definition - A text replacement for an IRC user's hostname or IP address, making the user less identifiable.
  • Example - Night hid her movements with its cloak of darkness.
  • Definition - To cover as with a cloak.
  • Example - Night hid her movements with its cloak of darkness.
  • Definition - To hide or conceal.
  • Example - Night hid her movements with its cloak of darkness.
  • Definition - To render or become invisible via futuristic technology.
  • Example - The ship cloaked before entering the enemy sector of space.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
cloaks 12
5 Letter Words
calks 11 cloak 11 lacks 11 locks 11 slack 11 kolas 9 skoal 9 calos 7 coals 7 colas 7
4 Letter Words
calk 10 cask 10 lack 10 lock 10 sack 10 sock 10 koas 8 kola 8 oaks 8 okas 8 skol 8 soak 8 calo 6 cals 6 coal 6 cola 6 cols 6 lacs 6 loca 6 ocas 6 soca 6 also 4 sola 4
3 Letter Words
ask 7 kas 7 koa 7 kos 7 oak 7 oka 7 ska 7 cal 5 col 5 cos 5 lac 5 oca 5 sac 5 soc 5 als 3 las 3 sal 3 sol 3
2 Letter Words
ka 6 ok 6 al 2 as 2 la 2 lo 2 os 2 so 2