• Definition - A pointed projection on a horseshoe to prevent it slipping.
  • Definition - A spike on the sole of a boot to prevent slipping, particularly used in logging
  • Definition - To make an indentation in the edge of a metal plate, as along a seam in a steam boiler or an iron ship, to force the edge of the upper plate hard against the lower and so fill the crevice.
  • Definition - To drive oakum into the seams of a ship's wooden deck or hull to make it watertight.
  • Definition - To apply caulking to joints, cracks, or a juncture of different materials.
  • Definition - Fuck
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
calks 11 lacks 11 slack 11
4 Letter Words
calk 10 cask 10 lack 10 sack 10 cals 6 lacs 6
3 Letter Words
ask 7 kas 7 ska 7 cal 5 lac 5 sac 5 als 3 las 3 sal 3
2 Letter Words
ka 6 al 2 as 2 la 2