• Definition - A beast of burden, much used in desert areas, of the genus Camelus.
  • Definition - A light brownish color, like that of a camel (also called camel brown).
  • Definition - Loaded vessels lashed tightly, one on each side of another vessel, and then emptied to reduce the draught of the ship in the middle.
  • Definition - A ruminant, of the genus Giraffa, of the African savannah with long legs and highly elongated neck, which make it the tallest living animal; yellow fur patterned with dark spots, often in the form of a network; and two or more short, skin-covered horns, so-called; strictly speaking the horn-like projections are ossicones.
  • Definition - A giraffe unicycle.
  • Definition - A laugh.
  • Example - Are you having a giraffe?!
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
camels 10 macles 10 mescal 10
5 Letter Words
acmes 9 calms 9 camel 9 cames 9 clams 9 maces 9 macle 9 alecs 7 almes 7 laces 7 lames 7 males 7 meals 7 scale 7
4 Letter Words
acme 8 calm 8 came 8 cams 8 clam 8 mace 8 macs 8 scam 8 aces 6 alec 6 alme 6 alms 6 cals 6 case 6 cels 6 elms 6 lace 6 lacs 6 lame 6 lams 6 maes 6 male 6 meal 6 mels 6 mesa 6 same 6 seam 6 slam 6 ales 4 lase 4 leas 4 sale 4 seal 4
3 Letter Words
cam 7 mac 7 ace 5 cal 5 cel 5 elm 5 ems 5 lac 5 lam 5 mae 5 mas 5 mel 5 mes 5 sac 5 sec 5 ale 3 als 3 els 3 las 3 lea 3 les 3 sae 3 sal 3 sea 3 sel 3
2 Letter Words
am 4 em 4 ma 4 me 4 ae 2 al 2 as 2 el 2 es 2 la 2