• Definition - A sudden impact or blow.
  • Definition - The shock and noise produced by violently closing a door or other object.
  • Definition - A slam dunk.
  • Definition - An insult.
  • Example - I don't mean this as a slam, but you can be really impatient sometimes.
  • Definition - The yellow iron silicate produced in alum works as a waste product.
  • Example - I don't mean this as a slam, but you can be really impatient sometimes.
  • Definition - A poetry slam.
  • Example - I don't mean this as a slam, but you can be really impatient sometimes.
  • Definition - A slambook.
  • Example - I don't mean this as a slam, but you can be really impatient sometimes.
  • Definition - The refuse of alum works.
  • Example - I don't mean this as a slam, but you can be really impatient sometimes.
  • Definition - A subgenre of death metal with elements of hardcore punk focusing on midtempo rhythms, breakdowns and palm-muted riffs
  • Example - I don't mean this as a slam, but you can be really impatient sometimes.
  • Definition - To shut with sudden force so as to produce a shock and noise.
  • Example - Don't slam the door!
  • Definition - To put in or on a particular place with force and loud noise. (Often followed by a preposition such as down, against or into.)
  • Example - Don't slam that trunk down on the pavement!
  • Definition - To strike forcefully with some implement.
  • Example - Don't slam that trunk down on the pavement!
  • Definition - To strike against suddenly and heavily.
  • Example - The boat slammed into the bank and we were almost thrown into the river.
  • Definition - To speak badly of; to criticize forcefully.
  • Example - Critics slammed the new film, calling it violent and meaningless.
  • Definition - To dunk forcefully, to slam dunk.
  • Example - Critics slammed the new film, calling it violent and meaningless.
  • Definition - To make a slam bid.
  • Example - Critics slammed the new film, calling it violent and meaningless.
  • Definition - To defeat (opponents at cards) by winning all the tricks of a deal or a hand.
  • Example - Critics slammed the new film, calling it violent and meaningless.
  • Definition - To change providers (e.g. of domain registration or telephone carrier) for a customer without clear (if any) consent.
  • Example - Critics slammed the new film, calling it violent and meaningless.
  • Definition - To drink off, to drink quickly.
  • Example - Critics slammed the new film, calling it violent and meaningless.
  • Definition - To compete in a poetry slam.
  • Example - Critics slammed the new film, calling it violent and meaningless.
  • Definition - To inject intravenously; shoot up.
  • Example - Critics slammed the new film, calling it violent and meaningless.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
alms 6 lams 6 slam 6
3 Letter Words
lam 5 mas 5 als 3 las 3 sal 3
2 Letter Words
am 4 ma 4 al 2 as 2 la 2