• Definition - An enclosure made of bars, normally to hold animals.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - The passenger compartment of a lift.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - (water polo) The goal.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - An automobile.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - Something that hinders freedom.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - The area from which competitors throw a discus or hammer.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - An outer framework of timber, enclosing something within it.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - A skeleton frame to limit the motion of a loose piece, such as a ball valve.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - A wirework strainer, used in connection with pumps and pipes.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - The drum on which the rope is wound in a hoisting whim.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - The catcher's wire mask.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - A regular graph that has as few vertices as possible for its girth.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
cages 8
4 Letter Words
cage 7 scag 7 aces 6 case 6 ages 5 gaes 5 sage 5
3 Letter Words
ace 5 sac 5 sec 5 age 4 ags 4 gae 4 gas 4 sag 4 seg 4 sae 3 sea 3
2 Letter Words
ag 3 ae 2 as 2 es 2