• Definition - An enclosure made of bars, normally to hold animals.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - The passenger compartment of a lift.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - (water polo) The goal.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - An automobile.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - Something that hinders freedom.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - The area from which competitors throw a discus or hammer.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - An outer framework of timber, enclosing something within it.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - A skeleton frame to limit the motion of a loose piece, such as a ball valve.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - A wirework strainer, used in connection with pumps and pipes.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - The drum on which the rope is wound in a hoisting whim.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - The catcher's wire mask.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - A regular graph that has as few vertices as possible for its girth.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - To confine in a cage; to put into and keep in a cage.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - To restrict someone's movement or creativity.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
  • Definition - To track individual responses to direct mail, either to maintain and develop mailing lists or to identify people who are not eligible to vote because they do not reside at the registered addresses.
  • Example - The most dangerous prisoners are locked away in a cage.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
cage 7
3 Letter Words
ace 5 age 4 gae 4
2 Letter Words
ag 3 ae 2