• Definition - A purplish mark on the skin due to leakage of blood from capillaries under the surface that have been damaged by a blow.
  • Definition - A dark mark on fruit or vegetables caused by a blow to the surface.
  • Definition - To strike (a person), originally with something flat or heavy, but now specifically in such a way as to discolour the skin without breaking it.
  • Definition - To damage the skin of (fruit or vegetables), in an analogous way.
  • Definition - Of fruit or vegetables, to gain bruises through being handled roughly.
  • Example - Bananas bruise easily.
  • Definition - To become bruised.
  • Example - I bruise easily.
  • Definition - To fight with the fists; to box.
  • Example - I bruise easily.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
bruise 8 buries 8 busier 8 rubies 8
5 Letter Words
biers 7 birse 7 bries 7 burse 7 rebus 7 ribes 7 rubes 7 suber 7 sieur 5
4 Letter Words
bier 6 bise 6 brie 6 bris 6 burs 6 rebs 6 ribs 6 rube 6 rubs 6 urbs 6 ires 4 reis 4 rise 4 rues 4 ruse 4 sire 4 suer 4 sure 4 user 4
3 Letter Words
bes 5 bis 5 bur 5 bus 5 reb 5 rib 5 rub 5 sib 5 sub 5 urb 5 ers 3 ire 3 rei 3 res 3 rue 3 sei 3 ser 3 sir 3 sri 3 sue 3 use 3
2 Letter Words
be 4 bi 4 er 2 es 2 is 2 re 2 si 2 us 2