• Definition - Any of various marine fish of the genus Sarda, that are related to and resemble the tuna.
  • Definition - A large tropical fish, the skipjack tuna, allied to the tunny, Katsuwonus pelamis.
  • Definition - The medregal (Seriola fasciata), an edible fish of the southern of the United States and the West Indies.
  • Definition - The cobia or crab eater (Rachycentron canadum), an edible fish of warm waters globally.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
bonitos 9
6 Letter Words
bionts 8 bonito 8 boston 8 oboist 8
5 Letter Words
bints 7 biont 7 bison 7 boons 7 boost 7 boots 7 boson 7 obits 7 snoot 5 toons 5
4 Letter Words
bins 6 bint 6 bios 6 bits 6 boon 6 boos 6 boot 6 bots 6 nibs 6 nobs 6 obis 6 obit 6 snib 6 snob 6 stob 6 into 4 ions 4 nits 4 onos 4 onto 4 oots 4 snit 4 snot 4 soon 4 soot 4 tins 4 tons 4 toon 4
3 Letter Words
bin 5 bio 5 bis 5 bit 5 boo 5 bos 5 bot 5 nib 5 nob 5 obi 5 sib 5 sob 5 ins 3 ion 3 its 3 nit 3 noo 3 nos 3 not 3 ono 3 ons 3 oot 3 sin 3 sit 3 son 3 sot 3 tin 3 tis 3 ton 3 too 3
2 Letter Words
bi 4 bo 4 in 2 is 2 it 2 no 2 oi 2 on 2 os 2 si 2 so 2 ti 2 to 2