• Definition - A scruple or objection.
  • Definition - A bungle; a botched situation.
  • Definition - Either literally or figuratively to stop or hesitate as if suddenly seeing a bogle.
  • Example - The dogs went on, but the horse boggled at the sudden appearance of the strange beast.
  • Definition - To be bewildered, dumbfounded, or confused.
  • Example - He boggled at the surprising news.
  • Definition - To confuse or mystify; overwhelm.
  • Example - The oddities of quantum mechanics can boggle the minds of students and experienced physicists alike.
  • Definition - To embarrass with difficulties; to palter or equivocate; to bungle or botch.
  • Example - The oddities of quantum mechanics can boggle the minds of students and experienced physicists alike.
  • Definition - To dissemble; to play fast and loose (with someone or something).
  • Example - The oddities of quantum mechanics can boggle the minds of students and experienced physicists alike.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
boggle 10
5 Letter Words
bogle 8 globe 8
4 Letter Words
blog 7 glob 7 bole 6 gleg 6 lobe 6 loge 5 ogle 5
3 Letter Words
beg 6 bog 6 gob 6 bel 5 egg 5 lob 5 obe 5 ego 4 gel 4 leg 4 log 4 ole 3
2 Letter Words
be 4 bo 4 go 3 el 2 lo 2 oe 2