• Definition - The sharp cutting edge of a knife, chisel, or other tool, a razor blade/sword.
  • Definition - The flat functional end of a propeller, oar, hockey stick, screwdriver, skate, etc.
  • Definition - The narrow leaf of a grass or cereal.
  • Definition - The thin, flat part of a plant leaf, attached to a stem (petiole). The lamina.
  • Definition - A flat bone, especially the shoulder blade.
  • Definition - A cut of beef from near the shoulder blade (part of the chuck).
  • Definition - The part of the tongue just behind the tip, used to make laminal consonants.
  • Definition - A sword or knife.
  • Definition - A piece of prepared, sharp-edged stone, often flint, at least twice as long as it is wide; a long flake of ground-edge stone or knapped vitreous stone.
  • Definition - (ultimate frisbee) A throw characterized by a tight parabolic trajectory due to a steep lateral attitude.
  • Definition - The rudder, daggerboard, or centerboard of a vessel.
  • Definition - A bulldozer or surface-grading machine with mechanically adjustable blade that is nominally perpendicular to the forward motion of the vehicle.
  • Definition - A dashing young man.
  • Definition - A homosexual, usually male.
  • Definition - Thin plate, foil.
  • Definition - One of a series of small plates that make up the aperture or the shutter of a camera.
  • Definition - (in the plural) The principal rafters of a roof.
  • Definition - The four large shell plates on the sides, and the five large ones of the middle, of the carapace of the sea turtle, which yield the best tortoise shell.
  • Definition - Airfoil in windmills and windturbines.
  • Definition - A blade server.
  • Definition - An exterior product of vectors. (The product may have more than two factors. Also, a scalar counts as a 0-blade, a vector as a 1-blade; an exterior product of k vectors may be called a k-blade.)
  • Definition - The part of a key that is inserted into the lock.
  • Definition - To skate on rollerblades.
  • Example - Want to go blading with me later in the park?
  • Definition - To furnish with a blade.
  • Example - Want to go blading with me later in the park?
  • Definition - To put forth or have a blade.
  • Example - Want to go blading with me later in the park?
  • Definition - To stab with a blade
  • Example - The gang member got bladed in a fight.
  • Definition - To cut (a person) so as to provoke bleeding.
  • Example - The gang member got bladed in a fight.
  • Definition - A kind of piton used in thin cracks.
  • Example - The gang member got bladed in a fight.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
blades 9
5 Letter Words
abled 8 balds 8 baled 8 based 8 beads 8 blade 8 sabed 8 ables 7 bales 7 beals 7 blase 7 sable 7 dales 6 deals 6 lades 6 lased 6 leads 6
4 Letter Words
abed 7 bade 7 bads 7 bald 7 bead 7 beds 7 bled 7 dabs 7 debs 7 able 6 albs 6 bale 6 bals 6 base 6 beal 6 bels 6 blae 6 labs 6 sabe 6 slab 6 dale 5 dals 5 deal 5 dels 5 elds 5 lade 5 lads 5 lead 5 sade 5 sled 5 ales 4 lase 4 leas 4 sale 4 seal 4
3 Letter Words
bad 6 bed 6 dab 6 deb 6 abs 5 alb 5 bal 5 bas 5 bel 5 bes 5 lab 5 sab 5 ads 4 dal 4 das 4 del 4 eds 4 eld 4 lad 4 led 4 sad 4 ale 3 als 3 els 3 las 3 lea 3 les 3 sae 3 sal 3 sea 3 sel 3
2 Letter Words
ab 4 ba 4 be 4 ad 3 da 3 de 3 ed 3 ae 2 al 2 as 2 el 2 es 2 la 2