• Definition - A billy club.
  • Definition - A billy goat.
  • Definition - A good friend.
  • Definition - A tin used by bushmen to boil tea; a billycan; a billypot.
  • Example - Let's get the billy and cook some beans.
  • Definition - A condom (from the E-Rotic song "Willy, Use a Billy... Boy")
  • Example - Let's get the billy and cook some beans.
  • Definition - A slubbing or roving machine.
  • Example - Let's get the billy and cook some beans.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
billy 10
4 Letter Words
illy 7 lily 7 yill 7 bill 6
3 Letter Words
lib 5 ill 3
2 Letter Words
by 7 bi 4 li 2