• Definition - Any of various bladed or pointed hand weapons, originally designating an Anglo-Saxon sword, and later a weapon of infantry, especially in the 14th and 15th centuries, commonly consisting of a broad, heavy, double-edged, hook-shaped blade, with a short pike at the back and another at the top, attached to the end of a long staff.
  • Definition - A cutting instrument, with hook-shaped point, and fitted with a handle, used in pruning, etc.; a billhook.
  • Definition - Somebody armed with a bill; a billman.
  • Definition - A pickaxe, or mattock.
  • Definition - The extremity of the arm of an anchor; the point of or beyond the fluke (also called the peak).
  • Definition - To dig, chop, etc., with a bill.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
bill 6
3 Letter Words
lib 5 ill 3
2 Letter Words
bi 4 li 2