• Definition - A sudden percussive noise.
  • Example - When he struck it with a hammer, there was a loud bang.
  • Definition - A strike upon an object causing such a noise.
  • Example - When he struck it with a hammer, there was a loud bang.
  • Definition - An explosion.
  • Example - When he struck it with a hammer, there was a loud bang.
  • Definition - The symbol !, known as an exclamation point.
  • Example - An e-mail address with an ! is called a bang path.
  • Definition - A factorial, in mathematics, because the factorial of n is often written as n!
  • Example - An e-mail address with an ! is called a bang path.
  • Definition - An act of sexual intercourse.
  • Example - An e-mail address with an ! is called a bang path.
  • Definition - An offbeat figure typical of reggae songs and played on guitar and piano.
  • Example - An e-mail address with an ! is called a bang path.
  • Definition - An explosive product.
  • Example - Load the bang into the hole.
  • Definition - An injection, a shot (of a narcotic drug).
  • Example - Load the bang into the hole.
  • Definition - (Boston area) An abrupt left turn.
  • Example - Load the bang into the hole.
  • Definition - Strong smell (of)
  • Example - There was a bang of onions off his breath.
  • Definition - A thrill.
  • Example - There was a bang of onions off his breath.
  • Definition - To make sudden loud noises, and often repeatedly, especially by exploding or hitting something.
  • Example - My head was banging after drinking all night at the concert.
  • Definition - To hit hard.
  • Example - David and Mary banged into each other.
  • Definition - To engage in sexual intercourse.
  • Example - We can hear the couple banging upstairs.
  • Synonyms - do it have sex nail
  • Definition - (with "in") To hammer or to hit anything hard.
  • Example - Hold the picture while I bang in this nail.
  • Definition - To cut squarely across, as the tail of a horse, or a person's forelock; to cut (the hair).
  • Example - Hold the picture while I bang in this nail.
  • Definition - To inject intravenously.
  • Example - Do you smoke meth? No, I bang it.
  • Definition - Hair hanging over the forehead.
  • Example - Do you smoke meth? No, I bang it.
  • Definition - A hairstyle including such hair, especially cut straight across the forehead.
  • Example - Do you smoke meth? No, I bang it.
  • Definition - Brucellosis, a bacterial disease.
  • Example - Do you smoke meth? No, I bang it.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
bangs 8
4 Letter Words
bags 7 bang 7 gabs 7 bans 6 nabs 6 nags 5 sang 5 snag 5
3 Letter Words
bag 6 gab 6 abs 5 ban 5 bas 5 nab 5 sab 5 ags 4 gan 4 gas 4 nag 4 sag 4 san 3
2 Letter Words
ab 4 ba 4 ag 3 an 2 as 2 na 2