• Definition - Prohibition.
  • Definition - A public proclamation or edict; a summons by public proclamation. Chiefly, in early use, a summons to arms.
  • Example - Bans is common and ordinary amongst the Feudists, and signifies a proclamation, or any public notice.
  • Definition - The gathering of the (French) king's vassals for war; the whole body of vassals so assembled, or liable to be summoned; originally, the same as arrière-ban: in the 16th c., French usage created a distinction between ban and arrière-ban, for which see the latter word.
  • Example - France was at such a Pinch..that they call'd their Ban and Arriere Ban, the assembling whereof had been long discussed, and in a manner antiquated.
  • Definition - A curse or anathema.
  • Example - France was at such a Pinch..that they call'd their Ban and Arriere Ban, the assembling whereof had been long discussed, and in a manner antiquated.
  • Definition - A pecuniary mulct or penalty laid upon a delinquent for offending against a ban, such as a mulct paid to a bishop by one guilty of sacrilege or other crimes.
  • Example - France was at such a Pinch..that they call'd their Ban and Arriere Ban, the assembling whereof had been long discussed, and in a manner antiquated.
  • Definition - To summon; to call out.
  • Example - France was at such a Pinch..that they call'd their Ban and Arriere Ban, the assembling whereof had been long discussed, and in a manner antiquated.
  • Definition - To anathematize; to pronounce an ecclesiastical curse upon; to place under a ban.
  • Example - France was at such a Pinch..that they call'd their Ban and Arriere Ban, the assembling whereof had been long discussed, and in a manner antiquated.
  • Definition - To curse; to execrate.
  • Example - France was at such a Pinch..that they call'd their Ban and Arriere Ban, the assembling whereof had been long discussed, and in a manner antiquated.
  • Definition - To prohibit; to interdict; to proscribe; to forbid or block from participation.
  • Example - Bare feet are banned in this establishment.
  • Definition - To curse; to utter curses or maledictions.
  • Example - Bare feet are banned in this establishment.
Words in your word
3 Letter Words
ban 5 nab 5
2 Letter Words
ab 4 ba 4 an 2 na 2