• Definition - Any of various aromatic resins exuded from certain plants, especially trees of the genus Commiphora of Africa, Arabia and India and Myroxylon of South America.
  • Definition - A plant or tree yielding such substance.
  • Definition - Any soothing oil or lotion, especially an aromatic one.
  • Example - There is a balm in Gilead... (Spiritual)
  • Definition - Something soothing.
  • Example - Classical music is a sweet balm for our sorrows.
  • Definition - The lemon balm, Melissa officinalis
  • Example - Classical music is a sweet balm for our sorrows.
  • Definition - Any of a number of other aromatic herbs with a similar citrus-like scent, such as bee balm and horse balm.
  • Example - Classical music is a sweet balm for our sorrows.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
balms 9 blams 9 lambs 9
4 Letter Words
balm 8 bams 8 blam 8 lamb 8 albs 6 alms 6 bals 6 labs 6 lams 6 slab 6 slam 6
3 Letter Words
bam 7 abs 5 alb 5 bal 5 bas 5 lab 5 lam 5 mas 5 sab 5 als 3 las 3 sal 3
2 Letter Words
ab 4 am 4 ba 4 ma 4 al 2 as 2 la 2