• Definition - An astringent salt, usually occurring in the form of pale crystals, much used in the dyeing and tanning trade and in certain medicines, and now understood to be a double sulphate of potassium and aluminium (K2SO4·Al2(SO4)3·24H2O).
  • Definition - Any similar double sulphate in which either or both of the potassium and aluminium is wholly or partly replaced by other univalent or tervalent cations.
  • Definition - (shortening) A past attendee or graduate (of either gender) of a college, university or other educational institution.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
alums 7 lumas 7 mauls 7
4 Letter Words
alms 6 alum 6 amus 6 lams 6 luma 6 lums 6 maul 6 slam 6 slum 6 saul 4
3 Letter Words
amu 5 lam 5 lum 5 mas 5 mus 5 sum 5 ums 5 als 3 las 3 sal 3 sau 3
2 Letter Words
am 4 ma 4 mu 4 um 4 al 2 as 2 la 2 us 2