• Definition - Something done so as to accomplish a purpose.
  • Definition - A way of motion or functioning.
  • Example - Knead bread with a rocking action.
  • Definition - Fast-paced activity.
  • Example - a movie full of exciting action
  • Definition - A mechanism; a moving part or assembly.
  • Example - a rifle action
  • Definition - The mechanism, that is the set of moving mechanical parts, of a keyboard instrument, like a piano, which transfers the motion of the key to the sound-making device.
  • Example - a rifle action
  • Definition - The distance separating the strings and the fretboard on a guitar.
  • Example - a rifle action
  • Definition - Sexual intercourse.
  • Example - She gave him some action.
  • Definition - Combat.
  • Example - He saw some action in the Korean War.
  • Definition - A charge or other process in a law court (also called lawsuit and actio).
  • Example - He saw some action in the Korean War.
  • Definition - A mapping from a pairing of mathematical objects to one of them, respecting their individual structures. The pairing is typically a Cartesian product or a tensor product. The object that is not part of the output is said to act on the other object. In any given context, action is used as an abbreviation for a more fully named notion, like group action or left group action.
  • Example - He saw some action in the Korean War.
  • Definition - The product of energy and time, especially the product of the Lagrangian and time.
  • Example - He saw some action in the Korean War.
  • Definition - The event or connected series of events, either real or imaginary, forming the subject of a play, poem, or other composition; the unfolding of the drama of events.
  • Example - He saw some action in the Korean War.
  • Definition - (painting and sculpture) The attitude or position of the several parts of the body as expressive of the sentiment or passion depicted.
  • Example - He saw some action in the Korean War.
  • Definition - Spin put on the bowling ball.
  • Example - He saw some action in the Korean War.
  • Definition - A share in the capital stock of a joint-stock company, or in the public funds.
  • Example - He saw some action in the Korean War.
  • Definition - To act on a request etc, in order to put it into effect.
  • Example - He saw some action in the Korean War.
  • Definition - To initiate a legal action against someone.
  • Example - He saw some action in the Korean War.
  • Definition - Demanding or signifying the start of something, usually an act or scene of a theatric performance.
  • Example - The director yelled ‘Action!’ before the camera started rolling.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
action 8 atonic 8 cation 8
5 Letter Words
actin 7 antic 7 canto 7 coati 7 cotan 7 octan 7 ontic 7 tonic 7
4 Letter Words
cain 6 cant 6 ciao 6 cion 6 coat 6 coin 6 coni 6 icon 6 otic 6 taco 6 anti 4 into 4 iota 4 naoi 4 nota 4 tain 4 tian 4
3 Letter Words
act 5 can 5 cat 5 con 5 cot 5 oca 5 tic 5 ain 3 ait 3 ani 3 ant 3 ion 3 nit 3 not 3 oat 3 tan 3 tao 3 tin 3 ton 3
2 Letter Words
ai 2 an 2 at 2 in 2 it 2 na 2 no 2 oi 2 on 2 ta 2 ti 2 to 2