Synonyms: 268
furlough defile order pass-by go beyond get ahead crossroad passing play passing game mountain pass cash in one's chips snuff-it top proposition glide by state progress move-on go on give off send forth exude bring about initiate start occur develop come about fare go journey proceed push on remove travel wend peregrinate trek trip overhaul overtake best better excel outdo outmatch outrun outshine outstrip transcend beat cross track transit traverse elapse lapse convey hand transmit break carry communicate disclose get across impart report tell spread devolve fall Along or on: bequeath hand down hand on go away pass away Also used with on: decease demise depart die drop expire perish succumb pop off check out croak kick in kick off befall betide come come off hap happen transpire put in lead live pursue attitudinize impersonate masquerade pose posture clear adopt affirm approve confirm ratify sanction comp freebie climacteric crisis exigence exigency head juncture turning point zero hour migratory allonge col condition conjuncture intromission laissez-passer lunge passado passage passageway passport plight predicament safe-conduct situation thrust visa admit authorize deliver disappear foist intercept intromit omit ooze overpass overstep percolate pretermit recede relay terminate transude vanish passing qualifying toss flip base-on-balls walk crack fling whirl offer liberty chit bye straits notch strait excrete egest eliminate pass off fall-out take-place decease exit conk drop-dead choke evanesce fade blow-over fleet pass-on pass-along put-across authorise guide run draw sink go through go across travel by make pass slip-by slip away go-by slide by go along return turn over legislate make-it go past extend gorge ravine crossing way path col (French) ticket admission permission right license throw hurl sexual overture run-by run-past flit by come by shoot ahead of catch rollon fly past roll by flow past go in opposite directions fly fly-by linger run out crawl matriculate be graduated pass with honors qualify transfer relinquish hand over establish vote-in become law become valid be ratified be established be ordained be sanctioned decline ignore skip a turn fill occupy-oneself while-away announce claim transient buy-the-farm water gap come to the front
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
asps 6 pass 6 saps 6 spas 6
3 Letter Words
asp 5 pas 5 sap 5 spa 5 ass 3
2 Letter Words
pa 4 as 2