Synonyms: 156
service pull strings for ex-gratia regard uphold treat with partiality accommodate privilege compliment souvenir esteem stick-up-for kindliness blessing quid pro quo kowtow partiality support approval courtesy boon present memento prefer like endorse advocate praise regard with favor pick choose incline toward opt (for) honor value prize think well of set great store by look-up-to eulogize fancy think-the-world-of be sweet on have in one's good books have in one's good graces be partial to oblige indulge further promote deal with gently play favorites show consideration for spare be indulgent toward make an exception for treat as a special character use one's influence for please suit be welcome win praise favored liked esteemed wanted approving endorsing condoning to one's advantage to one's credit on one's side creditable disliked not favored unpopular good turn grace indulgence benefit benefaction beneficence benevolence benignity oblation office philanthropy beau geste acceptance approbation account appreciation consideration estimation respect favoritism partialness preference advantage avail gain profit approve countenance hold with go for encourage smile on resemble take after complimentary fawning free gratis gratuitous ingratiating nepotic obsequious servile sycophantic unctuous befriending championship condescension countenancing espousal obligation patronage promotion sponsorship window dressing abet advance advocacy assistance befriend bless concession fawn goodwill hector importune ingratiate letter reward subscribe truckle favour party-favor party favour good will sanction be in favor of lean toward grant favors to toadying
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
favor 11
4 Letter Words
afro 7 arvo 7 faro 7 fora 7
3 Letter Words
arf 6 avo 6 far 6 for 6 fro 6 oaf 6 ova 6 var 6 oar 3 ora 3
2 Letter Words
fa 5 of 5 ar 2 or 2