Synonyms: 170
block honky-tonk rib spar brewery pole strip rail tribunal outlaw condemn traverse crossbar jimmy cake pinch bar wrecking bar crowbar shaft pig saloon tavern pub counter buffet barroom cafe bistro cocktail-lounge beer-parlor beer-garden alehouse fern bar nightclub cabaret restaurant inn cafeteria snack-bar canteen grillroom grill taproom tap piano-bar wine-bar rathskeller speakeasy roadhouse booze joint dive barrelhouse gin-mill after-hours joint local (British) session lawyers counselors barristers judiciary solicitors jurists body of lawyers attorneys the legal fraternity bar association hindrance obstacle hurdle stripe ribbon shoal bank reef barricade dam dike fence wall obstruct erect a barrier brick-up blockade trammel clog exclude shut shut off block-off block-up lock-out keep out debar bolt latch cork plug seal jam caulk stop impede (set up a) roadblock raise the drawbridge interdict ban forbid disallow deny refuse repudiate suspend segregate boycott ostracize blackball prevent preclude shut out exile reject prohibit discourage discountenance interfere with restrain frustrate circumvent override except blacklist freeze-out bloom hamper impediment obstruction snag confine lock count out eliminate rule out prevention ginmill browning automatic rifle streak measure legal profession legal community banish relegate infarct infarction marlinespike obstipation blockage stake stick boom handspike crosspiece pry ingot lever slab public-house brasserie (French) watering-hole advocates rod
Words in your word
3 Letter Words
arb 5 bar 5 bra 5
2 Letter Words
ab 4 ba 4 ar 2