• Definition - To put a mark on (something); to make (something) recognizable by a mark; to label or write on (something).
  • Example - to mark a box or bale of merchandise
  • Definition - To leave a mark (often an undesirable or unwanted one) on (something).
  • Example - See where this pencil has marked the paper.
  • Synonyms - blemish scar scratch stain
  • Definition - To have a long-lasting negative impact on (someone or something).
  • Example - See where this pencil has marked the paper.
  • Definition - To create an indication of (a location).
  • Example - She folded over the corner of the page to mark where she left off reading.
  • Definition - To be an indication of (something); to show where (something) is located.
  • Example - A bell marked the end of visiting hours.
  • Synonyms - demonstrate indicate manifest reveal show signal
  • Definition - To indicate (something) in writing or by other symbols.
  • Example - In her Bible, the words of Christ were marked in red.
  • Synonyms - display show write
  • Definition - To create (a mark) on a surface.
  • Example - In her Bible, the words of Christ were marked in red.
  • Synonyms - draw trace
  • Definition - To celebrate or acknowledge (an event) through an action of some kind.
  • Example - The national holiday is marked by fireworks.
  • Synonyms - commemorate solemnize
  • Definition - (of things) To identify (someone as a particular type of person or as having a particular role).
  • Example - His courage and energy marked him as a leader.
  • Definition - (of people) To assign (someone) to a particular category or class.
  • Example - His courage and energy marked him as a leader.
  • Synonyms - classify mark out
  • Definition - (of people) To choose or intend (someone) for a particular end or purpose.
  • Example - His courage and energy marked him as a leader.
  • Synonyms - destine mark out target
  • Definition - To be a point in time or space at which something takes place; to accompany or be accompanied by (an event, action, etc.); to coincide with.
  • Example - That summer marked the beginning of her obsession with cycling.
  • Synonyms - represent see
  • Definition - To be typical or characteristic of (something).
  • Example - That summer marked the beginning of her obsession with cycling.
  • Synonyms - characterize typify
  • Definition - To distinguish (one person or thing from another).
  • Example - That summer marked the beginning of her obsession with cycling.
  • Definition - To focus one's attention on (something or someone); to pay attention to, to take note of.
  • Example - Mark my words: that boy’s up to no good.
  • Synonyms - heed listen to look at observe watch
  • Definition - To become aware of (something) through the physical senses.
  • Example - Mark my words: that boy’s up to no good.
  • Synonyms - hear note notice observe perceive see
  • Definition - To hold (someone) in one's line of sight.
  • Example - Mark my words: that boy’s up to no good.
  • Definition - To indicate the correctness of and give a score to (a school assignment, exam answers, etc.).
  • Example - The teacher had to spend her weekend marking all the tests.
  • Synonyms - grade score
  • Definition - To record that (someone) has a particular status.
  • Example - to mark a student absent.
  • Definition - To keep account of; to enumerate and register; to keep score.
  • Example - to mark the points in a game of billiards or a card game
  • Definition - To follow a player not in possession of the ball when defending, to prevent them receiving a pass easily.
  • Example - to mark the points in a game of billiards or a card game
  • Definition - To catch the ball directly from a kick of 15 metres or more without having been touched in transit, resulting in a free kick.
  • Example - to mark the points in a game of billiards or a card game
  • Definition - To put a marker in the place of one's ball.
  • Example - to mark the points in a game of billiards or a card game
  • Definition - To sing softly, sometimes an octave lower than usual, in order to protect one's voice during a rehearsal.
  • Example - to mark the points in a game of billiards or a card game
  • Definition - The action of the verb to mark.
  • Example - to mark the points in a game of billiards or a card game
  • Definition - A mark.
  • Example - to mark the points in a game of billiards or a card game
  • Definition - The characteristic colouration and patterning of an animal.
  • Example - to mark the points in a game of billiards or a card game
  • Definition - Any configuration of a Petri net with a number of marks or tokens distributed across it.
  • Example - to mark the points in a game of billiards or a card game
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
marking 14
6 Letter Words
making 13 raking 11 arming 9 margin 9
5 Letter Words
mikra 11 kiang 10 gamin 8 inarm 7 ramin 7 garni 6 grain 6
4 Letter Words
kami 10 maki 10 mark 10 mink 10 mirk 10 gink 9 king 9 akin 8 kain 8 karn 8 kina 8 kirn 8 knar 8 krai 8 nark 8 raki 8 rank 8 rink 8 gram 7 grim 7 magi 7 amin 6 amir 6 main 6 mair 6 mina 6 rami 6 agin 5 gain 5 girn 5 gnar 5 gran 5 grin 5 ragi 5 rang 5 ring 5 airn 4 rain 4 rani 4
3 Letter Words
ark 7 ink 7 irk 7 kin 7 kir 7 gam 6 mag 6 mig 6 aim 5 ami 5 arm 5 man 5 mar 5 mir 5 nam 5 nim 5 ram 5 rim 5 gan 4 gar 4 gin 4 nag 4 rag 4 rig 4 ain 3 air 3 ani 3 rai 3 ran 3 ria 3 rin 3
2 Letter Words
ka 6 ki 6 am 4 ma 4 mi 4 ag 3 gi 3 ai 2 an 2 ar 2 in 2 na 2