• Definition - A twist or fold.
  • Definition - Any of the folds on the surface of the brain.
  • Definition - The shape of something rotating; a vortex.
  • Definition - State or condition of being convoluted.
  • Definition - A form of moving average.
  • Definition - A function which maps a tuple of sequences into a sequence of tuples.
  • Definition - One 360° turn in a spring or similar helix. A keyring contains 2 convolutions.
  • Definition - The high-pitched sound of a small object moving rapidly through air.
  • Definition - Energy; vigor; vim.
  • Definition - A zip fastener.
  • Definition - Zero; nothing.
  • Example - I know zip about economics.
  • Definition - A trip on a zipline.
  • Example - I know zip about economics.
  • Definition - A zip file.
  • Example - I know zip about economics.
  • Definition - An ounce of marijuana.
  • Example - I know zip about economics.
  • Definition - To close with a zip fastener.
  • Example - I know zip about economics.
  • Definition - To close as if with a zip fastener.
  • Example - zip one's lip
  • Definition - To compress (one or more computer files) into a single and often smaller file, especially one in the ZIP format.
  • Example - zip one's lip
  • Definition - To subject to the convolution mapping function.
  • Example - zip one's lip
  • Definition - (followed by a preposition) To move rapidly (in a specified direction or to a specified place) with a high-pitched sound.
  • Example - The bullet zipped through the air.
  • Definition - (followed by a preposition) To move in haste (in a specified direction or to a specified place).
  • Example - Zip down to the shops for some milk.
  • Definition - To make (something) move quickly
  • Example - Zip down to the shops for some milk.
  • Definition - To travel on a zipline.
  • Example - Zip down to the shops for some milk.
  • Definition - Zero; nothing.
  • Example - I know zip about economics.
  • Definition - Imitative of high-pitched sound of a small object moving rapidly through air.
  • Example - I know zip about economics.
Words in your word
3 Letter Words
zip 14
2 Letter Words
pi 4