• Definition - A tadpole.
  • Definition - Any dark-skinned person. It originally referred specifically to Indians, but later also applied to people of North African, Mediterranean, or Middle Eastern ancestry.
  • Definition - A person of Southern European, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Southeastern European ancestry.
  • Definition - A pollywog, or sailor who has never crossed the Equator. Often referred to as either filthy, slimy, or even dirty wogs
  • Definition - A bug, an insect.
  • Definition - A minor illness caused by bacteria, virus, intestinal parasite, etc.
  • Definition - A toy insect in parts that can be assembled, used in fund-raising games.
  • Definition - A person who is not a Scientologist.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
wogs 8
3 Letter Words
wog 7 sow 6 wos 6 gos 4
2 Letter Words
ow 5 wo 5 go 3 os 2 so 2