• Definition - To conquer, defeat.
  • Definition - To reach some destination or object, despite difficulty or toil (now usually intransitive, with preposition or locative adverb).
  • Definition - To triumph or achieve victory in (a game, a war, etc.).
  • Definition - To gain (a prize) by succeeding in competition or contest.
  • Example - to win the jackpot in a lottery;  to win a bottle of wine in a raffle
  • Definition - To obtain (someone) by wooing; to make an ally or friend of (frequently with over).
  • Example - to win the jackpot in a lottery;  to win a bottle of wine in a raffle
  • Definition - To achieve victory.
  • Example - Who would win in a fight between an octopus and a dolphin?
  • Definition - To have power, coercion or control.
  • Example - Ever since the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, Bostonians now run as "One Boston." The terrorists did not win.
  • Definition - To obtain (something desired).
  • Example - The company hopes to win an order from the government worth over 5 million dollars.
  • Definition - To cause a victory for someone.
  • Example - The policy success should win the elections for Mr. Smith.
  • Definition - To extract (ore, coal, etc.).
  • Example - The policy success should win the elections for Mr. Smith.
  • Definition - An individual victory.
  • Example - Our first win of the season put us in high spirits.
  • Definition - A feat carried out successfully; a victorious achievement.
  • Example - Our first win of the season put us in high spirits.
  • Definition - Gain; profit; income.
  • Example - Our first win of the season put us in high spirits.
  • Definition - Wealth; goods owned.
  • Example - Our first win of the season put us in high spirits.
  • Definition - Pleasure; joy; delight.
  • Example - Our first win of the season put us in high spirits.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
wins 7
3 Letter Words
win 6 wis 6 ins 3 sin 3
2 Letter Words
in 2 is 2 si 2