• Definition - A bundle, twist, braid, or woven strip of cord, fabric, fibre/fiber, or other porous material in a candle, oil lamp, kerosene heater, or the like, that draws up liquid fuel, such as melted tallow, wax, or the oil, delivering it to the base of the flame for conversion to gases and burning; any other length of material burned for illumination in small successive portions.
  • Example - Trim the wick fairly short, so that the flame does not smoke.
  • Definition - Any piece of porous material that conveys liquid by capillary action, such as a strip of gauze placed in a wound to serve as a drain.
  • Example - Trim the wick fairly short, so that the flame does not smoke.
  • Definition - A narrow opening in the field, flanked by other players' stones.
  • Example - Trim the wick fairly short, so that the flame does not smoke.
  • Definition - A shot where the played stone touches a stationary stone just enough that the played stone changes direction.
  • Example - Trim the wick fairly short, so that the flame does not smoke.
  • Definition - The penis.
  • Example - Trim the wick fairly short, so that the flame does not smoke.
  • Definition - To convey or draw off (liquid) by capillary action.
  • Example - The fabric wicks perspiration away from the body.
  • Definition - (of a liquid) To traverse (i.e. be conveyed by capillary action) through a wick or other porous material, as water through a sponge. Usually followed by through.
  • Example - The moisture slowly wicked through the wood.
  • Definition - To strike (a stone) obliquely; to strike (a stationary stone) just enough that the played stone changes direction.
  • Example - The moisture slowly wicked through the wood.
  • Definition - A village; hamlet; castle; dwelling; street; creek; bay; harbour; a place of work, jurisdiction, or exercise of authority.
  • Example - The moisture slowly wicked through the wood.
  • Definition - A farm, especially a dairy farm.
  • Example - The moisture slowly wicked through the wood.
  • Definition - A corner of the mouth or eye.
  • Example - The moisture slowly wicked through the wood.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
wicks 14
4 Letter Words
wick 13 icks 10 sick 10
3 Letter Words
ick 9 kis 7 ski 7 wis 6 cis 5 sic 5
2 Letter Words
ki 6 is 2 si 2