• Definition - A young offspring of a canid (ursid, felid, pinniped), especially of a dog or a wolf, the young of a bear or similar mammal (lion, tiger, seal); a pup, wolf cub.
  • Definition - An insolent youth; a mere child.
  • Definition - A kind of ship.
  • Definition - One of several wooden strips to prevent wear on a windlass on a clipper-era ship.
  • Definition - A tooth on a sprocket wheel (compare sprocket and cog).
  • Definition - (of she-dog, she-wolf, vixen, etc.) To give birth.
  • Example - The bitch whelped.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
whelps 14
5 Letter Words
whelp 13 welsh 11 helps 10 plews 10 shlep 10
4 Letter Words
phew 12 hews 10 shew 10 help 9 heps 9 pehs 9 pews 9 plew 9 spew 9 slew 7
3 Letter Words
hew 9 hep 8 peh 8 pew 8 hes 6 sew 6 she 6 pes 5 els 3 les 3 sel 3
2 Letter Words
eh 5 ew 5 he 5 sh 5 we 5 pe 4 el 2 es 2