• Definition - A hole sunk into the ground as a source of water, oil, natural gas or other fluids.
  • Definition - A place where a liquid such as water surfaces naturally; a spring.
  • Definition - A small depression suitable for holding liquid or other objects.
  • Example - Make a well in the dough mixture and pour in the milk.
  • Definition - A source of supply.
  • Example - Make a well in the dough mixture and pour in the milk.
  • Definition - A vertical, cylindrical trunk in a ship, reaching down to the lowest part of the hull, through which the bilge pumps operate.
  • Example - Make a well in the dough mixture and pour in the milk.
  • Definition - The cockpit of a sailboat.
  • Example - Make a well in the dough mixture and pour in the milk.
  • Definition - A compartment in the middle of the hold of a fishing vessel, made tight at the sides, but having holes perforated in the bottom to let in water to keep fish alive while they are transported to market.
  • Example - Make a well in the dough mixture and pour in the milk.
  • Definition - A vertical passage in the stern into which an auxiliary screw propeller may be drawn up out of the water.
  • Example - Make a well in the dough mixture and pour in the milk.
  • Definition - A hole or excavation in the earth, in mining, from which run branches or galleries.
  • Example - Make a well in the dough mixture and pour in the milk.
  • Definition - An opening through the floors of a building, as for a staircase or an elevator; a wellhole.
  • Example - Make a well in the dough mixture and pour in the milk.
  • Definition - The open space between the bench and the counsel tables in a courtroom.
  • Example - Make a well in the dough mixture and pour in the milk.
  • Definition - The lower part of a furnace, into which the metal falls.
  • Example - Make a well in the dough mixture and pour in the milk.
  • Definition - A well drink.
  • Example - They're having a special tonight: $1 wells.
  • Definition - The playfield of Tetris and similar video games, into which the blocks fall.
  • Example - They're having a special tonight: $1 wells.
  • Definition - In a microtiter plate, each of the small equal circular or square sections which serve as test tubes.
  • Example - They're having a special tonight: $1 wells.
  • Definition - To issue forth, as water from the earth; to flow; to spring.
  • Example - They're having a special tonight: $1 wells.
  • Definition - To have something seep out of the surface.
  • Example - Her eyes welled with tears.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
swell 8 wells 8
4 Letter Words
slew 7 well 7 ells 4 sell 4
3 Letter Words
sew 6 ell 3 els 3 les 3 sel 3
2 Letter Words
ew 5 we 5 el 2 es 2