• Definition - The state, quality, or condition of being twisted, physically or mentally:
  • Definition - A distortion:
  • Definition - The threads that run lengthwise in a woven fabric; crossed by the woof or weft.
  • Definition - The foundation, the basis, the undergirding.
  • Definition - A line or cable or rode as is used in warping (mooring or hauling) a ship, and sometimes for other purposes such as deploying a seine or creating drag.
  • Definition - A theoretical construct that permits travel across a medium without passing through it normally, such as a teleporter or time warp.
  • Definition - A situation or place which is or seems to be from another era; a time warp.
  • Definition - The sediment which subsides from turbid water; the alluvial deposit of muddy water artificially introduced into low lands in order to enrich or fertilise them.
  • Definition - (obsolete outside dialectal) A throw or cast, as of fish (in which case it is used as a unit of measure: about four fish, though sometimes three or even two), oysters, etc.
  • Example - a warp of fish
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
warp 9 wrap 9
3 Letter Words
paw 8 wap 8 raw 6 war 6 par 5 rap 5
2 Letter Words
aw 5 pa 4 ar 2