• Definition - A rampart of earth, stones etc. built up for defensive purposes.
  • Definition - A structure built for defense surrounding a city, castle etc.
  • Example - The town wall was surrounded by a moat.
  • Definition - Each of the substantial structures acting either as the exterior of or divisions within a structure.
  • Example - We're adding another wall in this room during the remodeling.  The wind blew against the walls of the tent.
  • Definition - A point of desperation.
  • Example - We're adding another wall in this room during the remodeling.  The wind blew against the walls of the tent.
  • Definition - A point of defeat or extinction.
  • Example - We're adding another wall in this room during the remodeling.  The wind blew against the walls of the tent.
  • Definition - An impediment to free movement.
  • Example - A wall of police officers met the protesters before they reached the capitol steps.
  • Definition - A type of butterfly (Lasiommata megera).
  • Example - A wall of police officers met the protesters before they reached the capitol steps.
  • Definition - (often in combination) A barrier.
  • Example - a seawall;  a firewall
  • Definition - A barrier to vision.
  • Example - a seawall;  a firewall
  • Definition - Something with the apparent solidity and dimensions of a building wall.
  • Example - a wall of sound;  a wall of water
  • Definition - A divisive or containing structure in an organ or cavity.
  • Example - a wall of sound;  a wall of water
  • Definition - (auction) A fictional bidder used to increase the price at an auction.
  • Example - a wall of sound;  a wall of water
  • Synonyms - chandelier
  • Definition - A doctor who tries to admit as few patients as possible.
  • Example - a wall of sound;  a wall of water
  • Definition - A line of defenders set up between an opposing free-kick taker and the goal.
  • Example - a wall of sound;  a wall of water
  • Definition - A personal notice board listing messages of interest to a particular user.
  • Example - a wall of sound;  a wall of water
  • Definition - To enclose with, or as if with, a wall or walls.
  • Example - He walled the study with books.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
wall 7
3 Letter Words
awl 6 law 6 all 3
2 Letter Words
aw 5 al 2 la 2