• Definition - A delay.
  • Example - I had a very long wait at the airport security check.
  • Definition - An ambush.
  • Example - They lay in wait for the patrol.
  • Definition - One who watches; a watchman.
  • Example - They lay in wait for the patrol.
  • Definition - (in the plural) Hautboys, or oboes, played by town musicians.
  • Example - They lay in wait for the patrol.
  • Definition - (in the plural) Musicians who sing or play at night or in the early morning, especially at Christmas time; serenaders; musical watchmen. [formerly waites, wayghtes.]
  • Example - They lay in wait for the patrol.
  • Definition - To delay movement or action until the arrival or occurrence of; to await. (Now generally superseded by “wait for”.)
  • Example - They lay in wait for the patrol.
  • Definition - To delay movement or action until some event or time; to remain neglected or in readiness.
  • Example - Wait here until your car arrives.
  • Definition - To wait tables; to serve customers in a restaurant or other eating establishment.
  • Example - She used to wait down at the Dew Drop Inn.
  • Definition - To attend on; to accompany; especially, to attend with ceremony or respect.
  • Example - She used to wait down at the Dew Drop Inn.
  • Definition - To attend as a consequence; to follow upon; to accompany.
  • Example - She used to wait down at the Dew Drop Inn.
  • Definition - To defer or postpone (especially a meal).
  • Example - to wait dinner
  • Definition - To remain chaste while one's lover is unavailable.
  • Example - to wait dinner
  • Definition - A group of singers or musicians performing in the streets, especially around Christmas.
  • Example - to wait dinner
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
waist 8 waits 8
4 Letter Words
staw 7 swat 7 taws 7 twas 7 wait 7 wast 7 wats 7 wist 7 wits 7 aits 4 sati 4
3 Letter Words
saw 6 taw 6 twa 6 was 6 wat 6 wis 6 wit 6 ais 3 ait 3 its 3 sat 3 sit 3 tas 3 tis 3
2 Letter Words
aw 5 ai 2 as 2 at 2 is 2 it 2 si 2 ta 2 ti 2