• Definition - The simultaneous firing of a number of missiles or bullets; the projectiles so fired
  • Definition - A burst or emission of many things at once.
  • Example - a volley of words
  • Definition - The flight of a ball just before it bounces
  • Example - a volley of words
  • Definition - A shot in which the ball is played before it hits the ground
  • Example - a volley of words
  • Definition - A sending of the ball full to the top of the wicket.
  • Example - a volley of words
  • Definition - To fire a volley of shots
  • Example - a volley of words
  • Definition - To hit the ball before it touches the ground
  • Example - a volley of words
  • Definition - To be fired in a volley
  • Example - a volley of words
  • Definition - To make a volley
  • Example - a volley of words
  • Definition - To sound together
  • Example - a volley of words
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
lovely 12 volley 12
5 Letter Words
lovey 11
4 Letter Words
levy 10 levo 7 love 7 vole 7 yell 7
3 Letter Words
lev 6 ley 6 lye 6 voe 6 ell 3 ole 3
2 Letter Words
oy 5 ye 5 yo 5 el 2 lo 2 oe 2