• Definition - To pay homage, bow, submit, defer (to someone or something); to yield, give way (to something).
  • Definition - To remove as a sign of deference, as a hat.
  • Definition - To lower, let fall; to allow or cause to sink.
  • Definition - (vexillology) (current, operational) To lower or "dip" a carried flag or banner in a salute by a forward reducing of the angle of the pike/flagstaff with respect to the ground; in extreme instances, as when saluting a monarch, both the banner and the finial of the pike are allowed to rest upon the ground.
  • Definition - To dress in, or decorate with, a veil.
  • Definition - To conceal as with a veil.
  • Example - The forest fire was veiled by smoke, but I could hear it clearly.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
vailed 10 vialed 10
5 Letter Words
devil 9 laved 9 lived 9 valid 9 alive 8 ailed 6 ideal 6
4 Letter Words
avid 8 deva 8 devi 8 diva 8 dive 8 veld 8 vide 8 vied 8 evil 7 lave 7 leva 7 live 7 vail 7 vale 7 veal 7 veil 7 vela 7 vial 7 vile 7 vlei 7 aide 5 dale 5 deal 5 deil 5 deli 5 dial 5 diel 5 idea 5 idle 5 lade 5 laid 5 lead 5 lied 5 ilea 4
3 Letter Words
dev 7 vid 7 ave 6 lav 6 lev 6 via 6 vie 6 aid 4 dal 4 del 4 die 4 eld 4 lad 4 led 4 lid 4 ail 3 ale 3 lea 3 lei 3 lie 3
2 Letter Words
ad 3 da 3 de 3 ed 3 id 3 ae 2 ai 2 al 2 el 2 la 2 li 2