• Definition - The state or condition of being useful; usefulness.
  • Definition - Something that is useful.
  • Definition - The ability of a commodity to satisfy needs or wants; the satisfaction experienced by the consumer of that commodity.
  • Definition - Well-being, satisfaction, pleasure, or happiness.
  • Definition - A service provider, such as an electric company or water company; or, the securities of such a provider.
  • Definition - A software program designed to perform a single task or a small range of tasks, often to help manage and tune computer hardware, an operating system or application software.
  • Example - I've bought a new disk utility that can recover deleted files.
  • Definition - The ability to play multiple positions.
  • Example - I've bought a new disk utility that can recover deleted files.
  • Definition - Having to do with, or owned by, a service provider.
  • Example - utility line; utility bill
  • Definition - Designating of a room in a house or building where mechanical equipment is installed; such as a furnace, water tank/heater, circuit breaker, and/or air conditioning unit; and often equipped with hookups for laundry equipment (washer/dryer).
  • Example - utility room
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
utility 10
4 Letter Words
litu 4 tilt 4 titi 4
3 Letter Words
lit 3 til 3 tit 3 tui 3 tut 3
2 Letter Words
it 2 li 2 ti 2 ut 2