• Definition - The act of uniting or joining two or more things into one.
  • Definition - The state of being united or joined; a state of unity or harmony.
  • Definition - That which is united, or made one; something formed by a combination or coalition of parts or members; a confederation; a consolidated body; a league.
  • Definition - A trade union; a workers' union.
  • Definition - An association of students at a university for social and/or political purposes; also in some cases a debating body.
  • Definition - A joint or other connection uniting parts of machinery, such as pipes.
  • Definition - The set containing all of the elements of two or more sets.
  • Definition - The act or state of marriage.
  • Definition - Sexual intercourse.
  • Definition - A data structure that can store any of various types of item, but only one at a time.
  • Definition - A large, high-quality pearl.
  • Definition - An affiliation of several parishes for joint support and management of their poor; also the jointly-owned workhouse.
  • Definition - To combine sets using the union operation.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
unions 6 unison 6
5 Letter Words
nouns 5 union 5
4 Letter Words
inns 4 ions 4 noun 4 nous 4 nuns 4 onus 4 sunn 4 unis 4
3 Letter Words
inn 3 ins 3 ion 3 nos 3 nun 3 nus 3 ons 3 sin 3 son 3 sou 3 sun 3 uni 3 uns 3
2 Letter Words
in 2 is 2 no 2 nu 2 oi 2 on 2 os 2 si 2 so 2 un 2 us 2